Friday, July 5, 2013


We planted a bunch of stuffing our flower beds out front, all seeds, we've been watering 3 times a day, it is extremely hot, I hope that at least something will grow!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


This has been my best harvest in years!! It's still not that great, but I am thankful for every little bit. We've gotten some little broccoli, a good number of tomatoes and charry tomatoes red, yellow and purple, some zucchini, some greens and some basil. I think I would have gotten bigger harvests if I had weeded and fertilized again, but when we decided to move, I decided to spend more time cleaning and packing. We also got a lot of raspberries. I also have some chard and collards growing alright. So fun!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011


This has been my best harvest in years!! It's still not that great, but I am thankful for every little bit. We've gotten some little broccoli, a good number of tomatoes and charry tomatoes red, yellow and purple, some zucchini, some greens and some basil. I think I would have gotten bigger harvests if I had weeded and fertilized again, but when we decided to move, I decided to spend more time cleaning and packing. We also got a lot of raspberries. I also have some chard and collards growing alright. So fun!!

Friday, August 19, 2011


The tomatoes are finally ripening, we've been enjoying small greenish purple ones. My zucchini plant hit a good spot and we get a new zuke every other day. I've gotten 2 yellow squashes so far. I harvested our first cuke yesterday and our first eggplant. They all look really good. There are not a lot in the works, but I am grateful for the little bit I get. We've gotten some beans, and I love going out every morning for greens from the garden and yard. We haven't weeded or fertilized in a long while-- I'm sure the plants would be growing better if I had done so, but I'm just so pleased to be harvesting stuff even if it's not the most I could have, it's good and we are eating it all. I made ratatouille yesterday for dinner and it was sooooo good. I'm loving my herbs too. I need to harvest and dry them this week and fertilize and weed and plant- but I don't know how much I'll actually do!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Growing Good

My tomato plants are like 5 ft. tall. There are lots of flowers and little tomatoes. It is so rewarding!! I staked them up higher, but my support boards are a little flimsy. I've never had this problem before. I'm so excited to have this problem. the greens that came up are doing great too. The cabbage and brocoli are huge too. This is when gardening is fun!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Looking Good

My garden is doing the best it has ever done. My tomato plants are up to my chest and flowering and looking good. The squash plant leaves are big. The broccoli and cabbage are big. It is so awesome. #1 has been collecting strawberries everyday. the front garden is still stunted so I think I'll let it sit over the summer and maybe plant some greens in the fall. We'll see! The weather has been great and humid. I've only watered like 2 times this season which is very unusual for Utah.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fertilized and Watered

i watered and fertilized on Friday. It was finally hot. The tomatoes and everything else in the back garden are looking good, normal and growing. Everything in the front garden-- the kids is stunted. I did the same thing for both. I planted purple potatoes in the dirt i scraped off the top of the stunted garden and they are doing awesome. I haven't even watered them yet and they are like 3 feet high. Confusing!! I guess the nutrients are tied up in the soil. I guess I add too much.