Sunday, May 29, 2011


I got some cucumbers planted before it rained AGAIN!!! I got the last bed ready in the back garden in order to do so. I put on blood meal, kelp meal and acidifying agent with iron and other micronutrients. Just one bed left to ready by the patio. There were some really big worms and a bunch of little red wigglers too- I'm sure from the ones I bought for a failed worm bin.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


#5 harvested radishes today!! Even though it still looks sorry, this is a big improvement. We haven't been able to grow radishes before-- they would bolt!! The cilantro looks good too. The other stuff need some more help- help I will try to give it all tomorrow.

I finished installing the drip tape- it looks like it is working well. We planted our cruciferaceous veggies, strawberries some of the tomatoes and peppers. Yay- it was gloriously sunny and nice today for a change. So nice to be outside and get a good amount of stuff done!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Prepared the Beds

Saturday was sunny at last. It has been rainy and stormy for weeks, i just haven't been able to do hardly anything outside. It was nice to get some stuff done. The kids and I had dug out most all the weeds and they were pretty much dead so I just cultivated the soil and raked it smooth and got the grass stems and roots out. I also added sulfur with iron and other micronutrients to lower the pH, blood meal, kelp meal and cottonseed meal. There are a good number of worms, so hopefully.

The kids gardens are acting typical unfortunately. We added some organic fertilizer that we had- a starter mix with michorizae, but the seedlings have sprouted and then they just sit and don't grow. I think I'll add the sulfur mixture and some blood meal. Very frustrating.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I killed my seedlings

Sadly I've killed my beautiful seedlings and it is very very sad. I even shed a few tears over it. I'm afraid I may end up getting more of the same rotten garden I get every year. Oh well. Here's what happened:

My seedlings looked better than ever because I actually fertilized them this time around. I knew they needed to be hardened off before being planted in the ground, so I set them on our picnic table outside and forgot all about them. I left them out all night, but I don't think they froze- I think they scorched. They are pretty much all dead.

I bought plants form the greenhouse today, but I'll wait til next week to plant since we're supposed to be getting a storm. The kids gardens are looking typically bad. The small greens are starting to bolt and hardly anything came up and the few things that did are tiny and stunted.

I'm going to add some micronutrients and sulfur to acidify the soil. It's very frustrating.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I just planted a flat with some lettuce, cukes, squash, chard, basil,kale and a few other things- if I weren't so tired I'd do more.

A lot of things aren't coming up in the kids' garden areas, so I'm trying this way- giving them a good start indoors then transplant-- I hope!

Monday, May 2, 2011

My tomato starts

My tomato starts are looking good. I have been watering them with liquid kelp and not worrying about keeping them in the sunniest part of the house this year. They are just in our sunroom area. I though it wasn't sunny enough because it is north facing, but they are doing great. Relief!